What are Passive Voices?

Passive voices are generally a style of writing/speaking English sentences. When we talk about sentences then we somewhere limit the use but understanding how to utilize passive is important. Anyhow, just take s close shot to sentences that are formed with the help of meaning full words or group of words.

passive voice

As we know about words and sentences but for understanding passive voices, one should be familiar to the fundamental of a sentence structure. Subject + helping verb + main verb + object is the fundamental structure for sentences. This structure is valid for all active category sentences. But when we move to the world of a passive voice then we find an interesting concept in passive. When the action has no idea about the subject (the subject is missing) or no information about the person who is doing/performing the main verb then those type sentences are formed with the help of passive voices.

Passive voices are generally the opposite of active voices. But both voice sentences can be formed separately which follows the rule of a missing subject. For example: -Apple is eaten means someone eats apple but doesn’t know about the person. On the other hand, if you go with changing Active to passive voice then you will need to mention subject for example: - He eats apple---- (Active Voice) Apple is eaten by him -----(Passive Voice). 

These all might be looking tricky or something weird in English which is okay till an amount. Passive voices are hard to understand but not impossible. You can learn under the good and proper guidance of a superior one.

what are passive voices

Common facts for passive voices

There are four fundamental rules to make passive voices sentences which are important for everyone to understand.

1. The Subject is always missing. Such actions which are done/performed without the information of subject or subject is introduced in the end of the sentence using “by” as additional.


2.   Only V3 is used in passive voices as the main verb. One sentence could possess one or more verbs but every sentence has a special verb or say the main verb that tells main the action of the sentence.


3.  Present Perfect Continuous Tense, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, Future Perfect Continuous Tense and Future Continuous Tense are not converted in the passive voice. 

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