Top 20 Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Do you also make Common grammar mistakes while conversing in English? If A big YES then don’t worry! Here, I am going to share some popular Common grammar mistakes that can spoil communication and weaken your message. Whether you're writing an email or preparing for an important presentation. So, avoiding grammatical errors in any language is essential for clarity and professionalism. I through this blog will highlight common grammatical errors, provide examples, and offer tips on how to fix these common grammar mistakes. Whether you’re an English learner, ESL student, or simply looking to improve your grammar. This guide is surely going to help you correct common grammar errors and feel more confident in your writing and speaking.

Top 20 Common Grammar Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Grammar Mistakes in Everyday Use

1. Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes

Subject-Verb Agreement Mistakes

Subject-verb agreement is one of the most common grammatical errors.
 Incorrect: The dogs barks loudly.
 Correct: The dogs bark loudly.

Tip: Always check your subject and verb agree in number as most people make this common grammar mistakes To know in detail, what is Subject-Verb Agreement?

2. Incorrect Use of Tenses

Incorrect Use of Tenses

Well, either using the wrong helping verb or mixing up tenses, that surely leads to confusion which is basically a common grammar mistake.
 Incorrect: I had went to the store yesterday.
 Correct: I had gone to the store yesterday.

Tip: Need to understand correct helping verb as well as pay attention to irregular verb forms for avoiding such common grammatical mistakes.

3. Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Mistakes

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement Mistakes

This is such an innocent common grammatical error where the pronoun doesn’t match its antecedent and most of the time people don’t know about this grammatical error even.
 Incorrect: Everyone needs their book.
 Correct: Everyone needs his or her book.

Tip: Have to understand that the singular antecedents should have singular pronouns in order to avoid Pronoun grammar errors.

4. Misplacing Modifiers

Misplacing Modifiers

Position of certain words can entirely change the meaning of the sentence so misplaced modifiers are also grammar mistakes that changes the meaning of your sentence.
 Incorrect: She almost drove her kids to school.
 Correct: She drove almost all her kids to school.

Tip: Just place modifiers close to the word they modify to avoid grammatical errors as it can be confusing sometimes.

Common Grammar Mistakes in Writing

Common Grammar Mistakes in Writing

5. Sentence Fragments and Run-on Sentences

Sometimes a few sentences sound very uncomfortable due to sentence fragments and run-ons, which are common grammar mistakes that make your writing unclear.
 Incorrect (Fragment): After the party.
 Incorrect (Run-on): I went to the store I bought milk.
 Correct: After the party, I went to the store and bought milk.

Tip: Ensure that each sentence has a subject and verb along with proper punctuation.

6. Comma Splices

Comma Splices

While writing, we make lots of common grammar errors. And comma splices occur when two independent clauses are joined by a comma.
 Incorrect: I love pizza, I eat it every day.
 Correct: I love pizza. I eat it every day.

Tip: Fix grammatical errors like comma splices by focusing on a period, conjunction, or semicolon.

7. Incorrect Use of Apostrophes

Apostrophe is such a useful writing element that specifies sentences meaning and misusing this writing element is a common grammatical mistake that people make especially when showing possession or contractions.
 Incorrect: Its raining outside.
 Correct: It’s raining outside.

Tip: Gain information about Apostrophe and learn the difference between its (possessive) and it’s (contraction) to avoid this common grammar mistake.

8. Common Preposition Mistakes

Generally, English learners initially make preposition mistakes which are common grammar errors.
 Incorrect: He is different than his brother.
 Correct: He is different from his brother.

 Tip: One stop solution to fix these grammatical errors is remembering common rules for prepositions.

Common Grammar Mistakes in Speech

Common Grammar Mistakes in Speech

9. Double Negatives

Often a few people use double negatives in speaking which is again a frequent common grammar mistake that leads to the confusion of the sentence.
 Incorrect: I don’t have no time.
 Correct: I don’t have any time.

Tip: Being alert when using negative sentences and avoid using two negative words in the same sentence.

10. Incorrect Use of Adjectives and Adverbs

Using inappropriate or not suitable words in the sentence to make it perfect whether that is an Adjective or Adverb is the common grammar mistake. It is sometimes more than mixing up adjectives and adverbs in spoken English.
 Incorrect: She did good on the test.
 Correct: She did well on the test.

Tip: Understand that adverb are used to modify verbs whereas adjectives are to modify nouns. Once this simple formula aligns with the speaking then it is easy to fix these common grammatical mistakes.

Common Grammar Mistakes in Business Writing

Common Grammar Mistakes in Business Writing

11. Passive Voice Misuse

Sometimes overusing anything reduces the worth. However, Passive voice is a concept where many people feel uncomfortable whether they are beginners or experts. To solve this common grammatical error for business writing check the passive playlist where they are briefly explained or watch videos on YouTube.
 Incorrect: The report was written by me.
 Correct: I wrote the report.

Tip: Try forming the sentences in active voice to avoid this common grammar mistake in business writing.

12. Improper Use of Homophones

Improper Use of Homophones

Confused in similar pronouncing words known as homophones like their, there, and they’re are often mixed up that leads to common grammar errors.
 Incorrect: Their going to the store.
 Correct: They’re going to the store.

Tip: For avoid such common grammatical mistakes, you will have to learn the differences between homophones.

13. Capitalization Errors

While writing, we can’t express the emotions, facial expressions, and so on but writing does have emotions that can be expressed by writing and sometimes Improper capitalization becomes an another common grammar mistake in formal writing.
 Incorrect: the President of the united states.
 Correct: The President of the United States.

Tip: One should have the knowledge about proper capitalization rules so that grammatical errors can be avoided.

Grammar Mistakes in Standardized Tests (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.)

14. Incorrect Use of Articles (A/An/The)

I have seen that ESL students often struggle with articles which are such common grammatical errors.
 Incorrect: I saw a apple.
 Correct: I saw an apple.

Tip: Use "a" before consonant sounds and "an" before vowel sounds. To know more about this here.

15. Subject/Object Pronoun Mistakes

Many times we have to include two main subjects or objects where many learners get confused. This common grammatical mistake is in both writing and speech.
 Incorrect: Him and me went to the store.
 Correct: He and I went to the store.

Tip: Understand the position of the subject and object. Focus on words used for subject and object.

How to Avoid These Common Grammar Mistakes

16. Proofreading Tips for Spotting Grammatical Errors

Proofreading is a task that eliminates the common grammatical errors from sentences or paragraphs. Hence, one should be an expert in the language to proofread..

  • Read your writing aloud to hear common grammar mistakes.
  • Use tools like Grammarly to catch grammatical errors automatically.

17. Exercises to Improve Grammar in Writing

One has to do regular practice that can help avoid common grammatical mistakes in sentences, paragraphs, speaking, and etc.

  • Sentence correction exercises can boost your confidence as well as improve your writing skill to reduce common grammar errors.

18. Tips for ESL Learners

It may be little time for ESL Learners, but one who practices the above topics will not have to worry at least about common grammar mistakes.

  • Keeping focus on one rule at a time to correct grammatical errors. Don’t run for all at once..
  • Regular practice will accelerate your skills to catch common grammatical mistakes.


Above mentioned common grammar mistakes will guide what not to do in English. You can significantly improve your writing and communication skills after following the tips. No matter, whether you're a student, professional, or someone who is looking to enhance English skills. Understanding these grammatical errors will assist you to create clearer, more effective messages. Doing regular practice, using grammar tools, and revisiting this common rules blog will surely make a big difference.


What are the most common grammatical errors?

The most common grammatical errors are subject-verb agreement, misplaced modifiers, and incorrect tense usage. For improved clarity one should certainly fix these common grammar mistakes.

How can I improve my grammar quickly?

For rapid growth, you will have to do practice regularly, reading carefully, and using tools like Grammarly to spot common grammatical mistakes.

What are examples of incorrect grammar sentences?

Here are some examples of common grammar mistakes:

  • He don’t like apples. (Correct: He doesn’t like apples.)
  • Their going to the store. (Correct: They’re going to the store.)



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