Nouns | Most Common Nouns for Beginners in English

Nouns are very useful for us in English Speaking. Beginners of spoken English are usually worried about their vocabulary. But you don’t need to worry. Englispeaker understands your problem and that’s why has come with its solution. Englispeaker is trying to aid every single beginner with some common words to speak English quite smoothly.

common english nouns

If you also want to know common vocabulary which could help you not only in English Speaking but in reading and writing also. So, stay connected to the blog till the end. In this blog, I have covered some commonly used words which are nouns.

Let’s discuss a misconception about English Speaking. People often say that they can’t speak just because of a shortage of vocabulary. But it’s not a complete reason. Sometimes, confidence and simple sentence formations are the key factors of not speaking English. So, if you also face this problem then you should start to learn Tenses. It will give confidence and basic sentence formation knowledge. For learning Tenses, you can check out Course Tab where you should start from Tenses or can join Online Spoken English Classes.

25 most commonly used nouns in English Speaking

There are plenty of nouns which are used in English Speaking and very useful too. But, in this blog, I have tried to cover some very common nouns, especially for beginners.


Common Nouns
समय Time
दिन Day
सप्ताह Week
साल Year
व्यक्ति Person
आदमी Man
महिला Woman
बच्चा Child
विश्व World
जिंदगी Life
अंश Part
हाथ Hand
आंख Eye
जगह Place
काम Work
मामला Case
बिंदु Point
संख्या Number
समूह Group
संकट Problem
तथ्य Fact
सरकार Government
कंपनी Company
चीज़ Thing
मार्ग Way

You learned some basic vocabulary in the noun form. You can now learn common verbs for beginners because it is also useful in English Speaking.

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